Cho-Ching's Blog

[Golang] golangbootcamp 補遺(二) -- structs

閱讀golang bootcamp 筆記補遺。


如果有物件導向經驗, 可以想像struct像是輕量化的class, 有composition(組合)但是沒有inheritance(繼承)。

Only exported fields (capitalized) can be accessed from outside of a package.

package main

import "fmt"

type Point struct {
  X, Y int

var (
  p = Point{1, 2}  // has type Point
  q = &Point{1, 2} // has type *Point
  r = Point{X: 1}  // Y:0 is implicit
  s = Point{}      // X:0 and Y:0

func main() {
  fmt.Println(p, q, r, s)


func test(){
  cases := []struct {
    in, want string
    {"Hello, world", "dlrow ,olleH"},
    {"Hello, 世界", "界世 ,olleH"},
    {"", ""},

Composition --> inheritance

若從物件導向的設計方式來看, 用到很多繼承的特性, 但這是Go不支援的, 反而要從compoistion(組成)和interface來設計

package main

import "fmt"

type User struct {
  Id       int
  Name     string
  Location string

type Player struct {
  GameId         int

func main() {
  p := Player{}
  p.Id = 42
  p.Name = "Matt"
  p.Location = "LA"
  p.GameId = 90404
  fmt.Printf("%+v", p) //輸出: {User:{Id:42 Name:Matt Location:LA} GameId:90404}

上例, Player就像User, 不過多了GameId欄位。我們利用.來設定每個欄位的值。


main() {
  p := Player{
    User{Id: 42, Name: "Matt", Location: "LA"},
    "Id: %d, Name: %s, Location: %s, Game id: %d\n",
    p.Id, p.Name, p.Location, p.GameId)
  // Directly set a field define on the Player struct
  p.Id = 11
  fmt.Printf("%+v", p)

我們可以直接設定在Player struct所定義的欄位, 得到結果為:

Id: 42, Name: Matt, Location: LA, Game id: 90404
{User:{Id:11 Name:Matt Location:LA} GameId:90404}

因為Player 是由另外一個struct User組成, 所以在User struct所定義的methods在Player也可以用:

package main

import "fmt"

type User struct {
  Id             int
  Name, Location string

func (u *User) Greetings() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("Hi %s from %s",
    u.Name, u.Location)

type Player struct {
  GameId int

func main() {
  p := Player{
    User{Id: 42, Name: "Matt", Location: "LA"},
  fmt.Println(p.Greetings()) //輸出: Hi Matt from LA

這樣等於也實現OO的繼承, 不過變得也很容易理解與使用。

By composing one of your structure with one implementing a given interface, your structure automatically implements the interface.

這樣的方式非常好用, 例如我想要我的Job struct擁有像 logger這樣的行為, 只要將已經實作好的logger當作是我Job struct的一部份:

package main

import (

type Job struct {
  Command string
  Logger  *log.Logger

func main() {
  job := &Job{"demo", log.New(os.Stderr, "Job: ", log.Ldate)}

我們的Job struct有一個欄位叫作Logger, 其型別是一個指向log.Logger的指標。當我們初始Job的值的時候, 我們設定一個loggger, 接著我們就可以使用已經時做好的method, 例如job.Logger.Print()

還可以使用implicit composition來改寫上個例子:

type Job struct {
  Command string
  *log.Logger //implicit composition

func main() {
  job := &Job{"demo", log.New(os.Stderr, "Job: ", log.Ldate)}
  job.Print("starting now...") //注意我們就直接呼叫Print method!


type User struct {
  Id             int
  Name, Location string

type Player struct {
  GameId int

Player的成員, 利用pointer指向User會是比較好的選擇, 因為在Go中, 所有函式的參數是passed by value, 而不是passed by reference, 因此如果我們用的是小的struct,那copy的影響不大, 那現實生活中, 如果像是User可能大到不應該用copy的方式, 那就要使用passed by reference(使用pointer)。

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