Cho-Ching's Blog




Awesome: A curated list of awesome lists.


Material UI: 學其 inline style

Elemental: a UI framework for React.js

React: CSS in JS

700+ react/flux 資源

redux: FP flux

Creating an Isomorphic Blogging app Using React and Flux: use alt meetup

Electron + react

react in 樂天

meetup 7: shadow-rendering, karma/mocha + inject-loader

JavsScript/ Node.js

Lodash: 10 Javascript Utility Functions That You Should Probably Stop Rewriting

Non-blocking Asynchronous JSON.parse Using The Fetch API

running node forever with Systemd and PM2

Dockerizing a Node.js web app

Mongorito: MongoDB ODM for nodejs based on ES6 generators.

Javascript Async Control Flow

You Might Not Need Underscore


spf13- OSCON 2012 MongoDB tutorial


The future of layout with CSS: Grid Layouts

Material Design Lite

Introduction to the Fetch API

Laying Out A Flexible Future For Web Design With Flexbox

Understanding Critical CSS


vim mode in bash

Go Conference & bootcamp

GopherCon 2015 Roundup: video & slides !

dotGo: The European Go conference

Ardan Labs: Go Training

Nodejs NewsLetter


an introduction to microservice- part 1

Go NewsLetter


12 videos from the 2015 golang Uk conference


URL Shortener Golang Web Service tutorial with Mongodb

time in go


Stupid Gopher Tricks

Profiling & Optimizing in Go

The New Go 1.5 Vendor Handling

Working with Files in Go

go-starter-kit: Golang Isomorphic Hot Reloadable/React/Flummox/Css-Module Starter Kit

bongo: Elegant static website generation with Go

Go Web Framework

Build you own Web Framework in Go

Ask HN: Which Go Web Framework (Pros and Cons)?

which web Framework if any do you recommend

echo 1.0: a fast HTTP router (zero dynamic memory allocation) and micro web framework in Go.

goji: Goji is a minimalistic web framework for Golang that's high in antioxidants.

Building a REST service with Golang

How to implement JSON-API standard in MongoDB and Go

A RESTful Micro-Framework in Go : Flask-RESTful 維護者寫的

GO Testing

Tesing in Go

Securing Go web applications

painless mongdb testing with docker and golang

RESTful Go: An API Server with 90%+ Test Coverage in 260 Lines of Code

Mobile Go

using go in mobile apps: 系列文章

MongoDB & Go

mgo example gist

running mongodb queries concurrently with go


leaps: a collaborative text editing service (code 參考!)

alexedwards blog: *非常實用的Go code snippets分享

not-another-go-net-http-tutorial: http/net guide for beginner.

Create microservices in GO.:(電子書)GO is a great language for building microservices. However there are a lot of challenges to navigate. How do you do caching, manage databases. Monitor and analyze performance. Integrate with Docker. Do continous deployments. Run on private or public clouds.

video: Building Service in Go: 2015 by Mark Smith source code ebook online/offline

Go Programming Blueprints: ebook 大推! Golang tutorials

Nathan leclaire : GO高質量blog好文

golang examples: 好用各種golan code snippets

go tutorial with mongodb on heroku: 有很多學go的資源提示

golang planet

GopherCon 2014 - opening day keynote - by Rob Pike

spf13- Building your first go app - OSCON

A Go, Docker workflow

Writing Microservices in Go

How to code a markdown blog system in Go

how to read-writing file from file

10 things you (probably) don't know about Go


sourcegraph : Intelligent code collaboration for you & your team.



write code every day

reflections from 52 weeks 52 projects

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