Cho-Ching's Blog

[React][ES6] 將react元件用ES6 classes改寫

純粹翻譯與整理這篇: refactoring react component to es6 classes

react 0.13開始,官方都鼓勵使用 ES6 classes 來撰寫react元件了, 當然趁現在的空檔,從善如流的將react 0.12的程式碼翻寫一下。


將 propTypes 和 getDefaultTypes抽出到class定義之外

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({ ... });
ExampleComponent.propTypes = {
 aStringProp: React.PropTypes.string
ExampleComponent.defaultProps = {
 aStringProp: ''

將 createClass轉成使用ES6 Class

就不再需要createClass method啦, class直接繼承React.Component:

class HelloComponent extends React.Component {
 render() { 
  return <h1 onClick={this._handleClick}>Hello</h1>;
 _handleClick() {

method前面也不在需要function keyword。

使用 constructor 綁定instance methods

React的createClass method好用的地方在於, 他會將我們的methods自動榜定(binding)到component einstance去, 但是我們寫ES6 classes, 就要自己處理binding, react團隊建議作prebinding:

class HelloComponent extends React.Component {
 constructor() {
  this. _handleClick = this. _handleClick.bind(this);
 render() { 
  return <h1 onClick={this._handleClick}>Hello</h1>;
 _handleClick() {
  console.log(this); // this 就是一個HelloCompoenent

使用 constructor 初始化state

getgetInitialState method移除, 將初始化state的動作放到constructor裡:

class HelloComponent extends React.Component {
 constructor() {
  this. _handleClick = this. _handleClick.bind(this);
  this.state = Store.getState();
 // ...

撰寫base component --> 繼承

撰寫base component來處理method prebinding:

class BaseComponent extends React.Component {
 _bind(...methods) {
  methods.forEach( (method) => this[method] = this[method].bind(this) );

以後寫的元件, 只要繼承這個base component, 就可以很方便的:

class ExampleComponent extends BaseComponent {
 constructor() {
  this._bind('_handleClick', '_handleFoo');
 // ...


Refactoring React Components to ES6 Classes

babel: Learn ES 2015

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